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Bmo investment options Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses if applicable all may be associated with mutual fund investments and the use of an asset allocation service. This flexibility makes it easy to manage your account in the currency of your choice, Canadian or US. By default, it shows the strategy with the highest probability of profit for each underlying. Corporate or Non-personal Accounts. Your adjusted cost base will be reduced by the amount of any returns of capital. You should review your particular circumstances with your independent legal and tax advisors.
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Member FDIC. There are many types of investment products that can be held in an RESP, including equity, balanced and bond mutual funds and GICs as well as cash savings. This information is being used to support the promotion or marketing of the planning strategies discussed herein. However, you will generally pay tax on the full amount of withdrawals from your RRSP. How much you are eligible to receive in grants and bonds will depend on the family income of:.